
He/They | Germany

Heya! I'm Steve, someone you could pretty much describe as a hyperactive doo doo head!

Currently based in Germany I do and always did pretty much random stuff, whether it is while making music, while I take photos and/ or videos, games or during livestreams!

I always had a life that was pretty focused on music. I can clearly remember the (rather cringe) "songs" I did, when random things happened. Game was loading? A song about how I didn't want to wait. Somebody said something stupid? Well that's a song now. I hit my head? Prepare for the best vocal melody ever while I bawl my eyes out.

But for real, it all started when a friend from my father brought a laptop with a DAW on it (FL Studio 8 in case somebody is curious). I was around 7 or 8 at that time, when I yoinked this laptop for a week or two to recreate YouTube Tutorials and tried to do my own stuff. After getting a license I goofed around some more for about a year or two before somewhat losing the interest and time. Of course I did a thing here and then, but never really into it much further until I've been approached by someone for a Sonic Fangame (RIP Sonic Crystals). At age 14 this pretty much became a turning point for me and my music and restarted making music in a slightly more serious manner.

June 10, 2018 marks the day I first released on Spotify and all the other streaming platforms. I released Powerline with 2 songs! New style, new me. I continued producing and released a few songs up until the end of 2020 when I've been approached by Fuzznet Music to join their Collective. Since then I've released a few more songs and now I'm here. Hey :]

Find me HERE





Rye Fennec


Skunk Surfeit